Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What is a designer baby you may ask?

A designer baby is basically a “customized” baby. Parents get to choose the physical traits they want their kids to have. How this is done is by taking out egg cells from the mother and sperm cells from the father. Then each are scanned for any genetic diseases and is removed. It also being scanned on the traits that the parents want and not want their child to have. After all the genetic engineering is done, both scanned egg cells and sperm cells are combined in the process of Vitro Fertilization, fertilizing eggs and sperm cells outside of the body.  
One of the main purpose of a designer baby is for parents to create their customized baby. They can choose which traits they want to pass on to their child. Doctors  can also scan through the possible genetic diseases that the parents might pass on to their child, this gives the doctors to take out those genes that carries the disease.
Another purpose of designer babies is for the child to be an organ donor. In the movie “My Sister’s Keeper”, Anna (the cancer patient’s sister) was a designer baby. Her parents created her to have compatible organs as her sister so that if her sister needs an organ they could just get one from her. I think it is wrong for Anna’s parents to bring her to the world and take her rights away. Anna will also have a high risk of have implications in her body since some of her organs were taken away from her. The parents can’t just create another baby to help out Anna.   
I think that designer babies are acceptable in a level that they would only screen out the genetic diseases. This could prevent the ongoing generations to have genetic diseases.  But to make a “perfect” baby I think that it is to the extreme obsession of parents. Parents should just be happy that they’re given a gift.  


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