Thursday, June 2, 2011

How technology works with our internal system

Society has grown rapidly with in the past two decades. Our development with technology too has been fast to meet our needs. It seems like everyday there’s something new out there. People would put together ideas to create something new to make life easier. To understand our bodies and what goes on inside, technology also becomes our friend.
                As new diseases develop, technology develops. More people come up with machines that would easily detect certain diseases. Technology too helps us learn more about with these new diseases. Different types of scans are used to check different types of diseases. Like the X-ray,  a CAT(Computed Axial Tomography) scan is used to find more than just a broken bone. It’s a 3D version of  an X-ray.  Doctors would use this in cases of cancer, brain tumour, kidney problems and more. It’s taking X-ray on another level.
CAT Scan
MRI Scan

 To get more specific, an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is used for more details. It has a more clear imaging and more detailed compared to a CAT scan. It is also does not release harmful substance not like a CAT scan. While these machines are used to check our insides from the outside, an endoscope checks our insides from the inside.
 It used by doctors for plastic surgery, during pregnancy, to check our ears, nose, urinary track and many more. It works by inserting a small flexible tube like, with a lens on one end and an eyepiece for the doctor.  Since there are more and more diseases are developing we cope up with these by inveting new machines to help us learn and find a cure for it.
As time goes by our Society is in need of more new technology to help us out with our every day lives. It’s not only needed in work, hospitals or schools but it also needed at our homes and everywhere. By taking what is already made and develop It to make something better is how society works today. By taking different ideas and making it into something, like how scientists would take an idea from an older instrument and somehow develop it ( how the X-ray was developed into a CAT scan).


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